BLUEFBIO™ Product Sheet
细胞名称 |
人卵巢癌细胞PEO-1 |
货物编码 |
BFN60808418 |
产品规格 |
T25培养瓶x1 |
1.5ml冻存管x2 |
细胞数量 |
1x10^6 |
1x10^6 |
保存温度 |
37℃ |
-198℃ |
运输方式 |
常温保温运输 |
干冰运输 |
安全等级 |
1 |
用途限制 |
仅供科研 2类 |
培养体系 |
DMEM高糖+10%FBS+1%三抗 |
培养温度 |
37℃ |
二氧化碳浓度 |
5% |
简介 |
人卵巢癌细胞PEO-1取自女性供体,年龄不详。贴壁培养,不规则形态。 |
注释 |
Part of: Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) project. Part of: COSMIC cell lines project. Part of: MD Anderson Cell Lines Project. Part of: OCCP ovarian cancer cell line panel. Doubling time: 53 hours (PubMed=3583449); 37 hours (PubMed=3167863); 37.48 hours (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2347014). Microsatellite instability: Stable (MSS) (Sanger). Omics: Deep exome analysis. Omics: Deep proteome analysis. Omics: Deep RNAseq analysis. Omics: DNA methylation analysis. Omics: Protein expression by reverse-phase protein arrays. Omics: SNP array analysis. Omics: Transcriptome analysis. |
基因突变 |
Hemizygous for BRCA2 p.Tyr1655Ter (5193C>G) (PubMed=19654294; PubMed=25230021). TP53 p.Gly244Asp (c.731G>A) (PubMed=25230021). |
HLA信息 |
Class I HLA-A A*03:01,03:01 HLA-B B*07:02,07:02 HLA-C C*07:02,07:02 Class II HLA-DQ DQB1*03:04,03:04
STR信息 |
Amelogenin X CSF1PO 10,12 D2S1338 20,21 D3S1358 16 D5S818 11,12 D7S820 10 D8S1179 13,14 (PubMed=22710073; PubMed=25230021) 13 (PubMed=25877200) D13S317 10 D16S539 9 D18S51 16,17 D19S433 13,15 D21S11 32.2 FGA 20 Penta D 14 Penta E 11,12 TH01 9.3 TPOX 9,11 vWA 15,16 |
参考文献 |
PubMed=8612712; DOI=10.1006/excr.1996.0145 Perreault N., Beaulieu J.-F. Use of the dissociating enzyme thermolysin to generate viable human normal intestinal epithelial cell cultures. Exp. Cell Res. 224:354-364(1996)
PubMed=9827699; DOI=10.1002/(SICI)1097-4644(19981215)71:4<536::AID-JCB8>3.0.CO;2-1 Desloges N., Basora N., Perreault N., Bouatrouss Y., Sheppard D., Beaulieu J.-F. Regulated expression of the integrin alpha9beta1 in the epithelium of the developing human gut and in intestinal cell lines: relation with cell proliferation. J. Cell. Biochem. 71:536-545(1998)
PubMed=20444515; DOI=10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2010.03.026 Cencic A., Langerholc T. Functional cell models of the gut and their applications in food microbiology -- a review. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 141:S4-14(2010)
PubMed=28239090; DOI=10.3390/foods1010040 Trapecar M., Cencic A. Application of gut cell models for toxicological and bioactivity studies of functional and novel foods. Foods 1:40-51(2012) |