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上海细胞库-ATCC细胞库-DSMZ细胞库-细胞库    科研细胞3类    人霍奇金淋巴瘤细胞KM-H2


BLUEFBIO Product Sheet






















仅供科   3



DMEM(HYCLONE SH30022.01)+10%FBS+1%三抗








Part of: Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) project.

Part of: COSMIC cell lines project.

Part of: LL-100 blood cancer cell line panel.

Part of: MD Anderson Cell Lines Project.

Doubling time: ~48 hours (DSMZ).

Microsatellite instability: Stable (MSS) (Sanger).

Omics: Cell surface proteome.

Omics: Deep exome analysis.

Omics: Deep RNAseq analysis.

Omics: DNA methylation analysis.

Omics: Protein expression by reverse-phase protein arrays.

Omics: SNP array analysis.

Omics: Transcriptome analysis.

Omics: Virome analysis using RNAseq.

Misspelling: KHM2/171877; In IPD-IMGT/HLA 15116.

Derived from sampling site: Pleural effusion.


CIITA-C15orf65 gene fusion (PubMed=21368758).

PRRC2B-MGMT (BAT2L1-MGMT) gene fusion (PubMed=21368758)


Class I

HLA-A        A*24:02

HLA-B        B*15:01,52:01

HLA-C        C*04:01,12:02

Class II

HLA-DP        DPB1*02:01,05:01

HLA-DQ        DQA1*03:01,05:05


HLA-DR        DRB1*04:65,11:01




Amelogenin        X

CSF1PO        10,14

D5S818        11,13

D7S820        10,11,12

D13S317        10,11

D16S539        9

TH01        7,9

TPOX        8,11,12 (Cosmic-CLP)

8,10,11 (DSMZ)

vWA        17,18


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