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BLUEFBIO™ Product Sheet






















仅供科研用途                 1类









HeLa是第一个来自人体组织经连续培养获得的非整倍体上皮样细胞系,它由GeyGO等在1951年从31岁女性黑人的宫颈癌组织建立。经原始组织切片重新观察,Jones等将其诊断为腺癌。已知该细胞系含有人乳头状瘤病毒HPV18序列,需在2级生物安全防护台操作。该细胞角蛋白阳性,p53表达量较低,但表达正常水平的pRB(视网膜母细胞瘤抑制因子)。该细胞引种自ATCC CCL-2。该细胞经过修饰,可高表达cx43,HeLa-CX43在我库中保藏。


Group: Space-flown cell line (cellonaut).

Part of: Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) project.

Part of: COSMIC cell lines project.

Part of: MD Anderson Cell Lines Project.

Part of: Naval Biosciences Laboratory (NBL) collection (transferred to ATCC in 1982).

Characteristics: HeLa has 5 five HPV18 integration sites: three on normal chromosomes 8 at 8q24 and two on derivative chromosomes, der(5)t(5;22;8)(q11;q11q13;q24) and der(22)t(8;22)(q24;q13).

Doubling time: 1.3 days (PubMed=29156801); ~48 hours (DSMZ).

Microsatellite instability: Stable (MSS) (PubMed=12661003; Sanger).

Transformant: NCBI_TaxID; 333761; Human papillomavirus type 18 (HPV18).

Omics: Cell surface proteome.

Omics: CNV analysis.

Omics: Deep antibody staining analysis.

Omics: Deep exome analysis.

Omics: Deep membrane proteome analysis.

Omics: Deep phosphoproteome analysis.

Omics: Deep proteome analysis.

Omics: Deep quantitative proteome analysis.

Omics: Deep RNAseq analysis.

Omics: DNA methylation analysis.

Omics: Genome sequenced.

Omics: Glycoproteome analysis by proteomics.

Omics: Myristoylated proteins analysis by proteomics.

Omics: Protein expression by reverse-phase protein arrays.

Omics: SNP array analysis.

Omics: Transcriptome analysis.

Omics: Virome analysis using proteomics.

Anecdotal: The HeLa cell line which was established in February 1951 is the oldest human immortal cell line.

Anecdotal: The fascinating story of the HeLa cell line and of Henrietta Lacks from whom these cells originate are described in the book of Rebecca Skloot (CelloPub=CLPUB00377).

Anecdotal: The HeLa cell line and its story inspired Australian artist Cynthia Verspaget to embark in 2003 on a artistic project 'The Anarchy Cell Line' (TAnCL) where she mixed her blood with HeLa cells. This work later spawned a PhD thesis (CelloPub=CLPUB00376) where among other things she makes the observation that two main taxonomical distinctions present in the zombie, living/dead and humannhuman, are also present in the HeLa cell line.

Anecdotal: Was flown since the 1960s on at least ten different space missions: Korabl-Sputnik-2, Vostok-1, Vostok-4, Vostok-5 and Vostok-6, Voshkod 1 and Zond-5, Discoverer XVIII, Progress M-35/Mir and Shuttle STS-89.

Miscellaneous: HeLa is the most frequent contributor to cell lines contamination.




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Genomic characterization of human papillomavirus-positive and -negative human squamous cell cancer cell lines.

Oncotarget 8:86369-86383(2017)


PubMed=30175587; DOI=10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00392

Robin T., Bairoch A., Muller M., Lisacek F., Lane L.

Large-scale reanalysis of publicly available HeLa cell proteomics data in the context of the Human Proteome Project.

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PubMed=30787054; DOI=10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-18-1132

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Genetic ancestry analysis reveals misclassification of commonly used cancer cell lines.

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Next-generation characterization of the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia.

Nature 569:503-508(2019)





2、收到人宫颈癌细胞HeLa细胞,如包装完好,请在显微镜下观察细胞。,由于运输过程中的问题,细胞培养瓶中的贴壁细胞有可能从瓶壁中脱落下来,显微镜下观察会出现细胞悬浮的情况,出现此状态时,请不要打开细胞培养瓶,应立即将培养瓶置于细胞培养箱里静止 3-5 小时左右,让细胞先稳定下,再于显微镜下观察,此时多数细胞会重新贴附于瓶壁。如细胞仍不能贴壁,请用台盼蓝染色法鉴定细胞活力,如台盼蓝染色证实细胞活力正常请按悬浮细胞的方法处理。

3、收到人宫颈癌细胞HeLa细胞后,请镜下观察细胞,用恰当方式处理细胞。若悬浮的细胞较多,请离心收集细胞,接种到一个新的培养瓶中。弃掉原液,使用新鲜配制的培养基,使用进口胎牛血清。刚接到细胞,若细胞不多时 血清浓度可以加到 15%去培养。若细胞迏到 80%左右 ,血清浓度还是在 10%。

4、收到人宫颈癌细胞HeLa细胞时如无异常情况 ,请在显微镜下观察细胞密度,如为贴壁细胞,未超过80%汇合度时,将培养瓶中培养基吸出,留下 5-10ML 培养基继续培养:超过 80%汇合度时,请按细胞培养条件传代培养。如为悬浮细胞,吸出培养液,1000 转/分钟离心 3 分钟,吸出上清,管底细胞用新鲜培养基悬浮细胞后移回培养瓶。

5、将培养瓶置于 37℃培养箱中培养,盖子微微拧松。吸出的培养基可以保存在灭菌过的瓶子里,存放于 4℃冰箱,以备不时之需。

6、24 小时后,人宫颈癌细胞HeLa细胞形态已恢复并贴满瓶壁,即可传代。(贴壁细胞)将培养瓶里的培养基倒去,加 3-5ml(以能覆盖细胞生长面为准)PBS 或 Hanks’液洗涤后弃去。加 0.5-1ml 0.25%含 EDTA 的胰酶消化,消化时间以具体细胞为准,一般 1-3 分钟,不超过 5 分钟。可以放入37℃培养箱消化。轻轻晃动瓶壁,见细胞脱落下来,加入 3-5ml 培养基终止消化。用移液管轻轻吹打瓶壁上的细胞,使之完全脱落,然后将溶液吸入离心管内离心,1000rpm/5min。弃上清,视细胞数量决定分瓶数,一般一传二,如细胞量多可一传三,有些细胞不易传得过稀,有些生长较快的细胞则可以多传几瓶,以具体细胞和经验为准。(悬浮细胞)用移液管轻轻吹打瓶壁,直接将溶液吸入离心管离心即可。

7、贴壁细胞 ,悬浮细胞。严格无菌操作。换液时,换新的细胞培养瓶和换新鲜的培养液,37℃,5%CO2 培养。


特别提醒: 原瓶中培养基不宜继续使用,请更换新鲜培养基培养。